Why Go Camping?

A popular outdoor, recreational activity is camping. Have you heard about someone suggesting to you to go camping because it will be good for you? Ever wonder why?

A lot of people go camping for various reasons like to go away from the city buzz for a while, to try something new for newbies, to hunt or fish, or do other outdoor activities. Whatever the reasons might be, you can expect many benefits, especially for overall health, when you go camping.

First, camping is usually done within Mother Nature’s setting so you can enjoy much fresher air with no or few pollutants. Of course, it’s not only the fresh air but the sunlight, the exercise that you will experience will be healthy for you.

It boosts better digestion, lowers blood pressure, and improves the immune system, among others. Without too many distractions, you can better socialize with other people and improve your social bonds. Or, if the mood strikes, you can use this opportunity to be alone, meditate, and be more self-aware.

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