What Makes Yosemite National Park an Amazing Place to Visit

Yosemite National Park was established on October 1st, 1890 but it was not the first national park. It did become one of the most important wild places in America and today, it hosts around 4.3 million visitors each year.

Being a host for large forests, rocky areas, and mountains, the Yosemite National Park became the home of over 400 species of wildlife. It is also filled with giant Sequoias which are the tallest types of trees on the planet.

There are a few lesser-known facts that make it an amazing place to visit beyond its wildlife diversity and vegetation. One such fast is that Yosemite is one of the few places in the world where lunar rainbows can be observed. Also, Yosemite park is extremely large with a total surface of just under 1,200 square miles. Only a fraction of that is open for visitors. The vast majority of the park is untouched by humans and remains as wild as it gets.

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